#110: Finito
Music: The Stooges
Mood: excited
Last night, at 9:43 PM PST, I finished the edit that I have been working on for over a month. According to my calculations, I removed around 15,000 words, or 24% from the original manuscript. I'm sure I could edit it 5 more times and still not be satisfied, so like a film or a painting or any other piece of art, at some point you have to stop tweaking it and say you're done. And I am almost done. I have to put it into proper manuscript format, but that shouldn't take much time at all. In fact, my next day off is Tuesday, and I am going to complete it then. The early deadline for the Clarion West Workshop is February 1, so I have 10 days to get that ready to go. Did I mention how excited I am?
santo26 on 01.20.08 @ 12:57 PM PST [link]