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07/12/2008: "#122: Go West, Four Years On"

Music: What It Is! Funky Soul & Rare Grooves 1967-1977
Mood: looking back, looking ahead

Today marks four years since I left Boston and started heading out to the West Coast. In doing some quick calcultations, I just discovered that I have now spent more time in Seattle than I did in Los Angeles or Humboldt County. There's so much that has changed in these past four years. I have seen and done so much. I am glad that I made the decision to Go West.

I had a pretty sweet life going on in Boston, but in many ways, I had become very stagnant and stuck in old patterns and ways of being. Leaving behind almost everyone and everything I knew was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I struggled at many junctures where things got really hard to drive back. With the passage of time, the desire for what I had in Boston is still there but not as painful. What is clearer is how much the challenges I faced along the way has made me a different person than the guy who took Exit 17 onto the Mass Pike West four years ago today.

Breaking the patterns has been a very healthy thing. While I still have a ways to go in some areas, I have taken control of my health, my art, and how I interact with the world. When I finish this entry, I am going to go and edit my novel. Later on, I will go ride my bike. How cool is that?

Here's to the next four years!

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