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08/23/2008: "#123: Adios, Couth Buzzard"

Music: The Replacements
Mood: nostalgic

This morning I made what may possibly be my last trip to the Couth Buzzard, a used bookstore on Greewood Ave. in the Phinney Ridge neighborhood of Seattle. They have lost their lease and are staying open until they have packed up and/or sold their remaining books. I have gone there many times to pick up a cheaper, dog-eared copy of a novel that I have been meaning to read or simply just soak up the ambiance. There was something rather soothing in wandering around the Couth Buzzard's narrow aisles as some quality jazz played in the background.

In coming to terms with the closing of another favorite haunt of mine, I have thought a lot about the evolution of neighborhoods. There has been a lot of talk lately about how Seattle is "losing its character" as places like The Couth Buzzard close down and "upscale boutiques" spring up in their place. As a supporter and proponent of evolution I have decided to look positively towards the future than lament the past. The Couth Buzzard replaced some other store once upon a time, and the store that replaces it will hopefully be able to afford the rent by providing the neighborhood with goods or services that they want. If not, they will suffer the same fate as my beloved bookstore.

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