
Saturday, July 12th

#122: Go West, Four Years On

Music: What It Is! Funky Soul & Rare Grooves 1967-1977
Mood: looking back, looking ahead
Today marks four years since I left Boston and started heading out to the West Coast. In doing some quick calcultations, I just discovered that I have now spent more time in Seattle than I did in Los Angeles or Humboldt County. There's so much that has changed in these past four years. I have seen and done so much. I am glad that I made the decision to Go West.

I had a pretty sweet life going on in Boston, but in many ways, I had become very stagnant and stuck in old patterns and ways of being. Leaving behind almost everyone and everything I knew was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I struggled at many junctures where things got really hard to drive back. With the passage of time, the desire for what I had in Boston is still there but not as painful. What is clearer is how much the challenges I faced along the way has made me a different person than the guy who took Exit 17 onto the Mass Pike West four years ago today.

Breaking the patterns has been a very healthy thing. While I still have a ways to go in some areas, I have taken control of my health, my art, and how I interact with the world. When I finish this entry, I am going to go and edit my novel. Later on, I will go ride my bike. How cool is that?

Here's to the next four years!

santo26 on 07.12.08 @ 02:18 PM PST [link]

Tuesday, July 1st

#121:Fire & Focus

Music: Karl Denson's Tiny Universe
Mood: determined
"The spectre of time management is an American illusion. You have to do things when opportunity strikes." -Martin W. Dimino

I have been talking for the past two days with my old friend Martin Dimino about our various artistic endeavors. Martin has always been an artist and has over the years expressed himself in many different mediums, but has recently decided to focus on being a poet. Being a poet definitely suits him well and it has been great to hear Martin talk with some real fire in his belly about his projects.

Martin also had some kind words to say about my artistic endeavors as well. Just as I think his true knack lies in poetry, so does he think mine lies in writing. He also cautioned me, however, to remember that I need to focus. This has been one of my downfalls over the years. I have started many a project, but then I will get another idea and develop that and soon I have a bunch of unfinished projects lying around like so much clutter. I have been concentrating on the book for a long time now but I have lost a bit of focus recently. Talking with Martin really has brought this into sharp focus, and allowed me to refocus on my own personal goals again.

I need to finish editing the book. I need to get the manuscript ready to send out to agents. If I need to take a break from it, I can always put the finishing touches on my short story and send it out to magazines as well.

Another thing that came up when I have been talking to Martin is something that another old friend of mine said, about how we are all "late bloomers." We all have artistic aspirations but did not find immediate success when we were younger, yet we never gave up on ourselves. Now we find ourselves at a crossroads where we can either continue down the road of following our artistic passion or to go down the slightly safer road of "career." The career road is much more socially acceptable but just as fraught with potential pitfalls and the big shining sack of money at the end is just as much a mirage as the one at the end of the artistic road. I have been on the artistic road for a long time now and I think I can see the potential hazards, and besides, it's the road I want to be on. So I forge ahead, now with a lot more fire in my belly. Don't give up.

santo26 on 07.01.08 @ 04:13 PM PST [link]

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