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08/16/2010: " is now an Information Management blog"

Music: The Highwaymen
Mood: ready has been around in some form since 2000. Over the course of's long and interesting life, it has served many purposes: a site for my currently defunct film and video production company, a hosting service for a variety of interesting sites, and since 2004, has mainly served as a personal blog that has occasionally sparked to life every few months.

I'd like to announce a new direction for the Athenaverse. I recently completed my first year of the Information Management graduate program at the University of Washington. It has been a wonderful experience and I look forward to starting my professional career in this field. What is information management? That is a great question and one of the many topics that I will talk about as I begin this new incarnation of the Athenaverse.

As of August 16, 2010, is an information management blog. After a year of studying this subject, I am ready to talk intelligently about this subject. Not to worry, old school fans! I will still occasionally talk about my how my writing career is going and post links to my freelance articles. For the most part, however, I will use this space to talk about information management topics that I find interesting.

I hope that you will enjoy this new phase of the Athenaverse's long and interesting life.

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