
Monday, December 15th

#135:Rejection, In This Case, Is Good

Music: Tchaikovsky
Mood: better
On Saturday, I came home after taking the GRE Exam and discovered a manila envelope that I had addressed to myself sitting in the mail pile. The short story that I submitted to Weird Tales magazine at the beginning of October was inside along with a form rejection letter.

I was pretty psyched to read the rejection letter. While it is not very fun to be rejected, there is something to be said for the fact that I wrote and submitted a short story to a magazine, regardless of the outcome. I will probably get a few more rejection letters, but I hope that they will be balanced out in the long run by a bunch of acceptance letters and published stories and articles. Taken together with my online column, the 21st Century Viking and my recently published freelance article, my writing career is starting to take shape, and that is pretty darn exciting if you ask me.

santo26 on 12.15.08 @ 06:15 PM PST [link]

Thursday, December 11th

#134:Ballard Terminal Railroad delivers local freight

Music: The Meters
Mood: wicked excited
Yesterday, the first article that I pitched, conducted an interview for, wrote and submitted was published in the Ballard News- Tribune. The article is about the Ballard Terminal Railroad, a locally owned short-line railroad that just won a major contract and is entitled Ballard terminal railroad delivers local freight .

santo26 on 12.11.08 @ 12:20 PM PST [link]

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