
Wednesday, September 17th

#126:Random Profound Political Message

Music: Jerry Reed
Mood: impressed
I was stopped at a traffic light when I looked in my rear view mirror and saw a profound political message. The car behind me was being driven by an elderly woman who had several pieces of paper taped onto her rear window to form a political opinion. I was intrigued enough to puzzle out the message that appeared backwards in my rear view mirror:
"Jesus Christ was a community organizer
Pilate was a governor."

santo26 on 09.17.08 @ 03:57 PM PST [link]

Wednesday, September 10th

#125: Staying Independent

Mood: optimistic
With less than sixty days left until the 2008 presidential election, Congressman Ron Paul has thrown down an interesting challenge to the electorate: if you want change, then vote for a third party. Ron Paul, who unsuccessfully ran for the Republican Party nomination, announced yesterday that he will not endorse either major party candidate and has thrown his support instead behind four other third party candidates: Ralph Nader (independent), Bob Barr (Libertarian Party), Cynthia McKinney (Green Party), and Chuck Baldwin (Constitution Party). Nader, McKinney, and Baldwin appeared at Paul's news conference but Barr did not.

I have never bought the whole "voting for a third party is throwing your vote away" idea. Having never voted for any of the top two candidates in the presidential elections I have participated in has given me the perspective of constantly criticizing both parties. It has always bothered me how when one side wins an election, they go to sleep and ignore the shortcomings and illegal acts of their candidate while in office because, hey, they're on our side. Where were the "not in my name" crowd when Clinton bombed Kosovo? Probably in the same place where the other side was when Bush, Jr. flew onto the aircraft carrier and proclaimed "Mission Accomplished."

Once again, the American public at large believes this election to be a binary choice after having the folk tale of Nader costing Gore the 2000 Election drummed into our heads for the past 8 years. The media does not see yesterday's news conference as newsworthy, choosing instead to wallow in yellow "he said-she said" journalism. This only makes me think about "throwing my vote away" even more. To be honest, I will give the two major party candidates a chance and will watch the upcoming debates with great interest. That being said, the other candidates will be excluded from them, as they are sponsored by the Commission On Presidential Debates, a nonprofit group run by both major parties.

While you may support one major party candidate over another, I, for one, continue to reserve my right to dissent until I literally enter the voting booth. I urge anyone within visual range of my typed words to take a step back with me and watch the remainder of this election and the ensuing media coverage as a detached critical observer. As Johnny Rotten once said: "Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?"

santo26 on 09.10.08 @ 02:51 PM PST [link]

Thursday, September 4th

#124:The Magic of Audio Tapes

This afternoon while driving around Seattle, I found myself listening to a tape of Mash It Up '93, a compilation of gems from the Boston ska scene of the early 1990s. It is a bit of a change-up from the other tape that I have been listening to lately, Devil's Night Out by The Mighty Mighty Bosstones. I hadn't listened to either of these tapes in a long time, but they took me back to my high school days when I would spend my weekends going to all-ages punk and ska shows around the Hub. In fact, my first ever all-ages show was The Mighty Mighty Bosstones at The Rat in September 1991 with my old chum Martin Dimino.

While the music is really what brings me back to those days, the delivery device has a lot to do with it as well. I bought the Mash It Up '93 tape at The Kids Will Have Their Say record store in Harvard Square when I was an intern at TAANG! Records that summer. It still ranks up there as one of the coolest jobs I have ever had (I got paid in TAANG! records, t-shirts and a store discount). This tape has traveled with me through the years and allowed me to savor the sounds of bands like The Allstonians as I traveled the streets of Seattle 15 summers later. I could easily find a copy of it on CD and the music would still put a smile on my face but it wouldn't be the same as listening to that tape. The tape is an artifact from my life with an awesome story and an incredible amount of sentimental value. I wonder what artifacts will remind me of the summer of 2008 in 2023. Here's to finding out!

santo26 on 09.04.08 @ 12:45 AM PST [link]

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